Born: 22 July 1943, Montluçon, France
Education, France
1962 Ecole des Arts Décoratifs, Metz
1963–1965 Ecole de Arts Décoratifs, Strasbourg
1965 Diplome national des Beaux Arts, Paris
1966–1968 Compulsory military service,
1968–1969 Art teacher , Rombas
1969 Emigrated to Canada
Professional experience, Canada
1970–1973 Assistant art director, book designer,
Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE)
1974 Incorporated a graphic design company:
Didier Fiszel Dessinateur Graphiste Inc.
1985 Incorporated a new graphic design
company: FIZZZ Design Inc. changed in 2004
to FIZZZ Design Corp.
1985–2009 Creative Director of FIZZZ Design
2009 Sold FIZZZ Design Corp.
2009 to today, Artist (painter) full time
I love colours. I love the freedom and the
apprehension of standing in front of a blank surface where anything is
possible, where the only limitation is my imagination. I love the moment when colours, shapes and
textures are in flux, when I hold my breath uncertain how to proceed and hoping
for serendipity. For me, painting is a state of grace full of small epiphanies.
As Picasso once said,
“Mais madame! Je ne cherche pas, je trouve!"
My style has evolved over the years. It started
with my love for abstract expressionism,
the freedom of it, the apparent lack of rules, in contrast to my day job as a
graphic designer and art director where there were multiple constraints dictated
by clients’ objectives and budgets. Until three years ago I practised a mix of
abstract expressionism and “process painting,”
where the act of painting is the point and the painter is an instrument of that
act. I avoided planning or conveying meaning. Recently, I have
transitioned to a more compositional style, incorporating design concepts and graphic
My latest paintings, on TerraSkin panels mounted on canvas or cradled
boards, reflect this new approach. My works exist as objects, just like chairs or
trees. They do not need labels or come with explanations.
My own reaction to
paintings is based on the tension (or lack of it) among the various elements – composition, shapes, colours and textures. My response is primarily emotional,
but also the result of years of viewing other artists’ work and of painting myself.
I hope my paintings evoke a similar instinctive response in viewers.
Didier Fiszel
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